International & marketing capabilities

About the capabilities of the Domaine Château Baron de la Voile, we have decided to focus on those related to its international and marketing experiences…


As already highlighted in the intangible assets, the vineyard is working with an extensive international network of importers (more than 75) that work in 23 different countries. As 60% of the wine production of the Domaine Château Baron de la Voile is sold internationally, we can believe that the network of importers is reliable and efficient.

Let’s take an example of what are the international and marketing capabilities of our vineyard. As we are targeting the Finnish market to go on with the wine exportation of the Domaine Château Baron de la Voile, it can be interesting to understand how things are going in another Scandinavian country where the wines of our vineyard are already exported, that is to say Denmark.

When it comes to wine exportation, the vineyard should be able to conduct 2 types of marketing and sales strategies. The first one is a B2B marketing strategy in order to negotiate the sales of wines through an importer. The second one is more B2C oriented as it is about providing a marketing and sales brief to the importer in order for him to sell the wines correctly. The first step is probably the most important one as once a vineyard is represented by an importer, the latter one is taking care of most of the B2C activities afterwards. In Denmark, the Domaine Château Baron de la Voile is working with 4 importers which are all situated in different areas of the country.

  • ANDREE – VINS in Charlottenlund.

  • NORRESUNDBY Vinhandel in Norresundby.

  • HC-Vinimport in the suburb of Copenhagen in Valby.

  • CHARELIUS Vins in Jyderup.

By succeeded into making partnerships with importers all around Denmark, the Domaine Château Baron de la Voile is ensuring a coverage of the whole country. Moreover, our vineyard needed to choose importers that suited its requirements at the best level. As Château Baron de la Voile wines are quality and organic wines, their price isn’t cheap.That’s why the vineyard has chosen Danish importers that were mainly working with local fine dining restaurants and specialized wine merchants where Danes lovers customers can be found. Furthermore, in order to be understandable for most Danes, the labels were translated in English. However as they were already translated for the wines exported in the United-Kingdom and in the USA, it was an activity that the Domaine Château Baron de le Voile knew how to handle. Finally, the vineyard can still try to influence the sales to B2C customers by having good reviews in local and international media such as Vinbladet Magazine in Denmark.

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